Putting My Experience
to Work
I love our Community. Grass Valley has been my home for more than three decades. I have proudly served on the Grass Valley City Council for 16 years, including two terms as Mayor.
I have fought against sprawl, worked to balance the City's budget and helped restore historic buildings. Under my leadership at the City, we have improved roads and sidewalks, restored parks, protected our natural environment and maintained a balanced budget.
I carefully weigh every decision, whether it's approving or denying proposed developments, or protecting residents' property rights. As a former local business owner, I am deeply invested in the County's economy and the prosperity of our Community. While on the Grass Valley City Council I made sure that every dollar was prudently spent, also making sure that our public safety departments had the adequate resources to be able to serve and protect...
Shannan Moon,
Nevada County Sheriff
"Lisa is a trusted and steadfast leader with a history of producing results. After owning a small business for 30 years and serving on the Grass Valley City Council for 16 years, Lisa started volunteering for the County. I have witnessed Lisa listen to all sides before making a decision. Lisa brings her business acumen when developing publicly funded budgets. We need Lisa’s leadership at the County to continue to make Nevada County the best place to live and work"
Dr. Terry McAteer
"Lisa is a tireless advocate for Grass Valley interests. Her breadth of knowledge and contacts makes Lisa the logical choice for the Board of Supervisors. She is a fine listener and gets things done."
Howard Levine
"I know Lisa Swarthout is the best candidate for District 3 Supervisor. Throughout my forty-plus years of working for the citizens of Grass Valley and Nevada County, I found Lisa to be the most balanced, hard-working and visionary leader I had the pleasure of which to work. Lisa has the integrity, honesty, rationality and fairness that gives everyone a 'place' in the Nevada County community. She has and will continue to serve the County well!"
Jason Fouyer
"Lisa listens, leads, and represents her constituents. She is up to speed on current County issues and has the experience to navigate through them. She is well respected amongst her peers, and is known for getting things done."